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/ 23 ratings

A simple keyboard with complex capabilities, like everything Google creates

Google LLC | 17 more apps |
updated on March 20, 2025
Download XAPK
39mb | free


Completely free to use
Plenty of settings to tweak
Full features for many languages
Interesting themes
It's very easy to write with
Write with one hand, speak, or use your handwriting
Nice integration of Google Translate


Nothing we could observe
Price: $
The average user probably doesn't give much thought to his/her Android keyboard and most people just use the default one provided by their phone manufacturer. However, a good keyboard can give you a whole new experience and simplify your typing in many ways. Let's check out Gboard as a possible alternative for you!

Gboard is developed by Google and it's available, as most of their services, completely free. It's a handy keyboard app with a simple interface, plenty of useful features to try out, and plenty of in-app options to tweak to make your experience better.

Apart from being well-shaped, with keys being more square-shaped than in other keyboards, it offers quick access to some interesting options, such as sending stickers, GIFs, and pasting anything you've copied in the time period of your choosing. A useful option Gboard offers is that, when you hold down a key, you'll type the alternative character for the key, located in the top-right corner.

You can also turn on the one-handed mode, use your voice/handwriting, or slide your finger across the buttons, for your actions to be translated into written text. Gboard actively suggests the next word you might type in and it supports plenty of languages with full features.

Some of the features that really make Gboard stand out from its competition is the integration of Google Translate. You can simply type text in a language of your choosing and the translated version is written on your screen. You can also turn on the Floating option and be able to easily set the position of your keyboard while typing. If you ever get bored with its appearance, you can always change the theme to a different color, gradient, or even a landscape background!
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 stars)

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Available in multiple languages


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